The U.S. Interstate Highway System in the 55-State Union Timeline


All primary routes in the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (AKA the Interstate Highway System) is a federally-funded network of controlled-access highways in the United States (which are built and maintained by each state's respective department of transportation), and signed routes are present in all contiguous 49 U.S. states plus Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Zeconnemeleth. Formed in 1956, the Interstate Highway System is an all-freeway network that forms a major component of the National Highway System (a network of all highways deemed to be strategic to American infrastructure). The U.S. states of Altamasstachia and Mallettbarr do not have Interstate highways nor highways that are part of the United States Numbered Highway System (AKA U.S. Routes), however they both have their own state-funded and maintained network of controlled-access highways (known as the Altamasstachia State Freeway Routes in Altamasstachia and as motorways in Mallettbarr). Single or two-digit Interstate routes are known as the primary routes, and the auxiliary routes use three digits in their number (with the last two digits corresponding to a specific primary Interstate route). As of 2021, about thirty percent of all vehicle miles driven in the United States use the Interstate Highway System.

The primary routes go as follows (listed from west to east and north to south):

Interstate Highway 2 (Texas)

Interstate Highway 4 (Florida)

Interstate Highway 5 (Washington, Oregon, California)

Interstate Highway 8 (California, Arizona)

Interstate Highway 9 (Washington, Oregon, California)

Interstate Highway 10 (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida)

Interstate Highway 11 (Nevada, Arizona)

Interstate Highway 12 (Texas, Louisiana)

Interstate Highway 14 (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia)

Interstate Highway 15 (Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California)

Interstate Highway 16 (Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia)

Interstate Highway 17 (Utah, Arizona)

Interstate Highway 20 (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina)

Interstate Highway 22 (Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama)

Interstate Highway 24 (Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Tennessee)

Interstate Highway 25 (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico)

Interstate Highway 26 (Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina)

Interstate Highway 27 (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)

Interstate Highway 29 (North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri)

Interstate Highway 30 (Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina)

Interstate Highway 33 (Minnesota, Iowa)

Interstate Highway 35 (Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)

Interstate Highway 37 (Texas)

Interstate Highway 39 (Superior, Wisconsin, Illinois)

Interstate Highway 40 (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina)

Interstate Highway 41 (Wisconsin, Illinois)

Interstate Highway 43 (Superior, Wisconsin, Illinois)

Interstate Highway 44 (Texas, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri)

Interstate Highway 45 (Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)

Interstate Highway 49 (Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana)

Interstate Highway 53 (Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri)

Interstate Highway 55 (Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana)

Interstate Highway 57 (Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas)

Interstate Highway 59 (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana)

Interstate Highway 62 (Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia)

Interstate Highway 64 (Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Kanawha, Virginia)

Interstate Highway 65 (Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama)

Interstate Highway 66 (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Kanawha, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware)

Interstate Highway 68 (Kanawha, Maryland)

Interstate Highway 69 (Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas)

Interstate Highway 70 (California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kanawha, Pennsylvania, Maryland)

Interstate Highway 71 (Ohio, Kentucky)

Interstate Highway 72 (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois)

Interstate Highway 73 (Michigan, Ohio, Kanawha, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina)

Interstate Highway 74 (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kanawha, Virginia, North Carolina)

Interstate Highway 75 (Superior, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida)

Interstate Highway 76 (Colorado, Nebraska)

Interstate Highway 76 (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey)

Interstate Highway 77 (Ohio, Kanawha, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina)

Interstate Highway 78 (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York)

Interstate Highway 79 (Pennsylvania, Kanawha)

Interstate Highway 80 (California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey)

Interstate Highway 81 (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kanawha, Virginia, Tennessee)

Interstate Highway 83 (Pennsylvania, Maryland)

Interstate Highway 84 (Oregon, Idaho, Utah)

Interstate Highway 84 (Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts)

Interstate Highway 85 (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kanawha, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama)

Interstate Highway 86 (Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois)

Interstate Highway 86 (Pennsylvania, New York, Pennsylvania, New York)

Interstate Highway 87 (New York, New Jersey)

Interstate Highway 87 (Virginia, North Carolina)

Interstate Highway 88 (Iowa, Illinois)

Interstate Highway 88 (New York, Massachusetts)

Interstate Highway 89 (Vermont, New Hampshire)

Interstate Highway 90 (Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts)

Interstate Highway 91 (Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut)

Interstate Highway 92 (New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine)

Interstate Highway 93 (Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts)

Interstate Highway 94 (Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan)

Interstate Highway 95 (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida)

Interstate Highway 96 (Michigan)

Interstate Highway 97 (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina)

Interstate Highway 98 (North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Superior)

Interstate Highway A-1 (Alaska)

Interstate Highway H-1 (Hawaii)

Interstate Highway H-2 (Hawaii)

Interstate Highway H-3 (Hawaii)

Interstate Highway H-4 (Hawaii)

Interstate Highway PR-1 (Puerto Rico)

Interstate Highway PR-2 (Puerto Rico)

Interstate Highway PR-3 (Puerto Rico)

Interstate Highway Z-60 (Zeconnemeleth)


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